Secure your Azure SQL locally inside your vnet using service endpoints For many companies, a throwback of using Azure SQL
Category: Microsoft
My First Microsoft Azure MVP award!
Μόλις έλαβα το πρώτο μου Microsoft Azure MVP award! Νοιώθω χαρούμενος και περήφανος που η προσπάθεια και η προσφορά μου
Create Azure File Shares at your ARM template using PowerShell
Create Azure File Shares at your ARM template using PowerShell Using Azure Resource Manage template deployment, you can create a
Add multiple managed disks to Azure RM VM
Add multiple managed disks to Azure RM VM In this post I have created a PowerShell script to help add
Microsoft Azure Nested Virtualization | VM in Nested VM in Azure VM
Microsoft Azure Nested Virtualization | VM in Nested VM in Azure VM With the new Dv3 and Ev3 VM sizes Microsoft