Bicep: Azure Virtual WAN Playground

Azure Virtual WAN is a networking service that brings many networking, security, and routing functionalities together to provide a single operational interface. A virtual hub is a Microsoft-managed virtual network that enables connectivity from other resources. When a virtual hub is created from a Virtual WAN in the Azure portal, a virtual hub VNet and gateways (optional) are created as its components.

Recently I created a Bicep code to create an Azure Virtual WAN with 2 Hubs, Azure Firewalls, and spoke VNETs & VMs, to use it for PoCs, Labs, and Tests. You can find it at my repo:

The script deploys:

  • One Log Analytics workspace
  • Four VETS, two on each Azure Region.
  • one VWAN with two VWAN HUBs, each on a different Azure Region.
  • Two Azure Firewalls inside the VWAN Hubs, each on a different Azure Region. The Azure Firewalls have diagnostic settings sending all logs to a log analytics workspace.
  • Two Azure Firewalls outside the VWAN Hubs, each on a different Azure Region. The Azure Firewalls have diagnostic settings sending all logs to a log analytics workspace.
  • Four VMs, Ubuntu, one in each VNET

You can choose to:

  • deploy VWAN or not
  • deploy Azure Firewall inside the VWAN Hubs
  • deploy VMs or not
  • deploy Azure Firewall outside the VWAN Hubs or not
  • how many Public IPs will be created and attached to the Azure Firewalls
  • The Azure Firewall SKU between Basic and Standard

The script does NOT deploy the connections between the VWAN Hubs & the VNETS. Once the VWAN Hubs are ready, with Hub Status “Succeeded” and Router Status “Provisioned”, create the connections manually. This is because to create a connection the VWAN Hub Router Status must be “Provisioned” and currently, the is no way of getting this Status.

The VMs are for testing & troubleshooting. Ubuntu Linux, without Public IP. I usually use the Serial console.

Deployment Commands for Azure Cli:

create the Resource Group az group create –name ResourceGroupName –location PreferedLocation

deploy the bicep script and answer the questions interactively az deployment group create –resource-group ResourceGroupName –template-file main.bicep

deploy the bicep script with the required parameters and choose true false az deployment group create –resource-group ResourceGroupName –template-file main.bicep –parameters numberOfFirewallPublicIPAddresses=1 adminPassword=’#########’ adminUserName=’######’ deployVWAN=true addFirewallToVWAN=true deployFirewall=true deployFirewallBasic=true deployVMs=true

Deployment Diagram



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