Auto-Shutdown Hyper-V free with USB UPS This post is about how to Auto Shutdown Hyper-v core with UPS using PowerShell and
Exchange 2010 | add local domain CA certificate
First we need to create a certificate request Open the Microsoft Exchange Management Console and navigate to Microsoft Exchange ->
Calculate Azure VHD actual/billing size
Azure blob storage is billed based to how much data you use. So you can have an 1023 GB disk
Match OnPrem Active Directory users to existing Office365 Users
Lets say you have an Office 365 account and cloud only users with mailboxes and now you decide that you want
Migrating DHCP from Server 2003 to Server 2012 R2
this is something very common lately and always I follow this post: Netsh DHCP Server \\<DHCP_2003_Server_IP_Address> Export c:\export\2k3dhcp-database all Performing